• Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy Kotani Corporation

Kotani Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") supports the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" (hereinafter referred to as "UN Guiding Principles") and will proceed with initiatives to respect human rights based on this.
Since our founding, we have acted with integrity to serve our customers, local communities, and employees, building relationships of trust based on our clear corporate philosophy of "Be a company which responds to its customers."
We will protect the human rights of all people involved in our business activities and continue to make improvements so that we can be helpful to everyone and needed by society.
This policy is positioned as the highest level regarding human rights based our corporate activity standards.

  • Commitment to Respecting Human Rights We understand that our business activities may potentially or actually have an impact on human rights. We will take utmost care to avoid infringing on the human rights of others, and will take ownership of any negative impact on human rights that may arise from our business activities.
    In addition, if our business partners or other related parties are involved in negative impacts on human rights, we will encourage them to respect human rights and not violate human rights based on this policy.
    We will formulate this policy and address issues related to human rights learning from international norms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    We will comply with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where we conduct business activities.
    Furthermore, if there are discrepancies between internationally recognized human rights standards and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles.
  • Scope of Application This policy applies to all executives and employees (including temporary employees) in Kotani Corporation. We also expect all our business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support this policy.
  • Human Rights Due Diligence In order to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, we have established and implemented a human rights due diligence system to identify, prevent, and reduce negative impacts on human rights related to our business activities, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles. This will be implemented on an ongoing basis.
  • Correction/Relief If it becomes clear that we have caused or contributed to a negative impact on human rights, we will work to correct the situation through appropriate means, establish a consultation desk, and proceed with effective remedies.
  • Education/Retention In order to ensure the effectiveness of this policy, we will conduct appropriate education and awareness activities for all executives and employees (including temporary employees). We will also reflect this policy in related policies and necessary procedures to ensure that it is firmly established throughout our business activities.
  • Progress Confirmation and Information Disclosure We will continuously monitor the status of compliance with our human rights policy and make improvements as necessary. We will appropriately disclose information regarding our efforts to disseminate our human rights policy and its progress through our official website and other means of communication,
  • Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders Regarding responses to actual or potential negative impacts on human rights, we shall consult internal and external experts, secure opportunities for dialogue with relevant stakeholders, and consult with stakeholders in good faith.
December 25,2023